Since mid 2016, I’ve been somewhat inactive on this blog due to two major reasons.
First, medical school became tougher than ever, and I barely had enough time for anything else but lectures, clinical postings, and studying. Second, I needed to focus more on my passive income channel — the Amazon Affiliate Program.
Credit: Marketever
So, the little time I had for other things except studying Medicine, I channeled into maintaining my Amazon affiliate niche sites and creating new ones. You know why I love this model? It’s the easiest way to realize the “make money while you’re sleeping” dream.
It’s not that I lost the zeal to continue sharing helpful information on this blog (of course, I’ve just resumed doing that). But it’s just normal and intuitive for anyone with very limited time to spend that little time on the most financially rewarding tasks. That’s why the little time I had then for online business went into crafting content for my niche sites, publishing outsourced content, and monitoring my progress with the Amazon affiliate program.
To say the Amazon affiliate program has been financially rewarding is an understatement. Only few things could be more fulfilling than raking over $1000 monthly from few niche sites.
And guess what…Two of my three niche sites that are presently earning that monthly total have less than 20 articles published on them. And the cumulative traffic that generates that income is less than 500 daily visits.
Here’s a screenshot of my earnings from the Amazon Affiliate Program between January 1 and December 31, 2016.
And here’s a screenshot of my earnings so far in 2017.
As you can see, my earnings so far in 2017 — with 5 months left — has already surpassed my total for the whole of 2016. Good for me. And it can always get better.
How can you also tap from this?
For some time now, I’ve been thinking of teaching some serious-minded fellow Nigerians how to make money from the Amazon affiliate program, just as I’m doing. But I really don’t have the time to develop a detailed e-book or e-course on the subject.
Each time I feel like starting something in that line, I quickly get tempted to channel my efforts into creating more content for my niche sites or rather set up new sites based on the ideas I already have that are begging for my attention. You might call that selfishness, but you’d be caught in the same dilemma if you were in my shoes.
Imagine that you have two options:
- Create an e-course or e-book that would go for N10,000, and would sell to at most 40 people over the next 12 months (generating a total of N400,000).
- Set up new Amazon niche sites that would start earning a cumulative total of $500 per month after 6-7 months (and would therefore have generated at least $2,500 over the next 12 months).
Now, tell me which of the options you’d choose.
But I came up with another idea.
Since all of the information you need to succeed with the Amazon Affiliate program is available for free online, I’d direct you to some detailed resources on the subject. That way, I would have helped you a great deal without necessarily having to craft a new course or e-book.
UPDATE: Here’s Good News!
After so much pressure on me to create an e-book that Nigerian beginners can easily understand and implement, I’m glad to inform you that the e-book is now available. Titled “Affiliate Cash Blueprint”, the e-book covers all you need to know about affiliate marketing in Nigeria and how you too can start making money via the Amazon Affiliate Program and other programs.
CLICK HERE to download your copy of the e-book
But before I drop the links, I need to tell you some important things you should know about this amazing income stream:
- You’ll be promoting products available on Amazon to a native English-speaking — majorly American — audience. These are products you’ve most likely not used or seen before, but you can get detailed information about them on their respective pages on Amazon.
- Since your audience has no time for crappy English, you must be an exceptional writer. If you’re not a good writer, you must be ready to pay generously for top-quality content (it’s not cheap!).
- You must be a fast learner because you need to get used to some tools such as keyword research tools, special plugins, and so on.
- You must be ready to start with a self-hosted WordPress blog. Blogger and other free platforms just won’t cut it!
- This is not a get-rich-quick thing. Sometimes, it takes up to 8 months to record your first sale. So, if you have no job at the moment, this won’t start paying you by next month!
- There’s no guarantee that this would work. That’s one harsh truth that applies to every business. But a smart way to reduce your risk is to plan to set up multiple niche sites, so the one or few that succeed would compensate for those that fail. But if you play by the rules of the game, your chances of failing are slim.
Now, to the links…
- Amazon Affiliate Niche Sites: The Definitive Guide
- How To Make Money From Amazon Affiliate Niche Site
- How to build an Amazon niche site the easy way
- Hekke’s Amazon Affiliate Journey
- 5 Examples of Successful Amazon Affiliate Websites (2017 Edition)
- Ultimate Keyword Research Guide for Amazon Niche Site
Take your time to read each article in detail. I understand that some of them are very long, but if you really want to learn how to make money from the program, you have to pay the price in time. Those resources were crafted by experts who learned by either trial-and-error or by paying heavily for courses and mentorship. So, if you’re only paying with your time and that’s still too much for you, I think you can wait for the next opportunity.
Questions? Questions?? Questions???
Now, I understand that you’ll have questions to ask after reading those resources, especially since they were not written specifically for Nigerians. That’s why I have crafted this post in the first place.
Here, you’ll have the opportunity to ask all the questions you have about the Amazon affiliate program and how to make money from it by setting up niche sites.
So, feel free to ask me anything, and I’ll try to answer your questions to the best of my capacity. But let me sound two notes of warning:
- Don’t ask me any question until you’ve read all those resources (I can tell if you’ve read them or not).
- Don’t ask a question that has already been asked by someone else and answered by me. So, before asking your question, read through the ones already asked and answered in the comments section.
So, I’m waiting, guys!
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